Friday, December 25, 2009

So it begins...again.

Hello, Internet, my name is Joe Patrick. This will be my third attempt at writing some sort of regular comic book review page. The previous attempts are lost to the Sands of Time (or buried deep in old LiveJournal archives)...I hope this one sticks.

A little about me: I have been reading comic books my entire life. Comics helped me learn to read and inspired my love of art. In 2001, I took the logical step of entering the lucrative field of comic book retailing. With a short break here and there, I've been at it ever since. I read FAR more comics than any person should and I'm okay with that! The trouble is, my brain has retained nearly 30 years of origins, secret identities, issue synopses, and other useless facts...I've got to release some of this nonsense before I have an aneurysm! Luckily, the fine folks at Blogspot are here to help.

Thanks for reading! I'll try to keep it entertaining...Please bear with me as I figure out how to develop the blog's layout and such. Encouraging words are always nice and I welcome any thoughtful discussion...Someday, I'll have an e-mail address where you can send your thoughts. Until then, you should be able to comment on the posts themselves. Hopefully my rants will give you a few laughs and turn you on to something new.

So...thanks again! Until next time, remember...


  1. This blog stinks! Where are the boobies?!?! ;)

  2. The only boobies I have handy right now are mine, and NOBODY wants to see that! :-D

  3. Wait, your previous attempts are lost to the Prince of Persia franchise? I'm confused... ;-)

    Nerd joke!
