Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The End...?

Though I plan to keep this page around as an archive, I'm pretty sure this is the end of this incarnation of Aquaman is Watching You. I know my promises to blog regularly have gone unfulfilled, but that doesn't mean I don't love you!

Though the blog is done for now, there is a silver lining! In recent months, all of my creative juices have been poured into the creation of a new webcomic that I've created with my friends Matt and Dave.

As of about an hour and a half ago, the first installment of the comic has gone live on the site...Good Plus is born!!!

"What is Good Plus" you may be wondering. I'm so glad you asked! Good Plus is a twice-weekly webcomic, updating on Tuesdays and Thursdays, that presents the ridiculous adventures of three comic shop clerks.
Many, if not all, of the stories will be drawn from our 100% "accurate" recollections of "actual" events! Good Plus will be "ripped from the headlines," just like that one show about that thing!
This endeavor takes up so much more time than I can realistically give. I've had to make up new days of the week just to stay caught up! (T.G.I.Raccoonsday, am I right?) As a result, the blog as a separate site will cease.
However! Aquaman is Watching You will continue on as part of the new Good Plus website, so this isn't really the end. Follow me over to http://www.goodplusonline.com/. The hilarity begins now!

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