Friday, January 29, 2010

While I have you here...

So, I've been thinking about what form I want this blog to take... The reviews are fun, but (at least for now) take me forever to write, so I thought it would be nice to feature other nerdy content--stuff that I could post to keep the blog active when I don't have the seven hours to spare to write a single review.

I talked to a cartoonist pal of mine who uses his blog ( to post artwork that's he's done. I'm an amateur (captial "A") cartoonist myself, and I thought that might be a fun idea. I'm always looking for constructive feedback, positive or negative, and I think putting my stuff out there to the entire Internets (as opposed to just posting stuff on Facebook), could be beneficial to my work in the long run.
Of course, I wouldn't just be posting stuff to stroke my own ego. I'd open up discussions on the latest comic book news, and maybe throw some video game thoughts out there from time to time.

I've created a new e-mail address (, and site comments are always enabled for every post. I guess what I'm looking for from you guys are any thoughts or suggestions you may have. Is there anything you'd like to see? Let me know what you think...and thanks for reading!


  1. I wouldn't think of it as ego-stroking, just using it as a creative outlet! Ideas breed more ideas, I say go for it!

  2. Quit being a pussy and show us the art! Gawd! Do have to open my oun gallery and ask you to do and exhibit already!??!?! SHEESH!

  3. Also, you should spring for the domain. You can EASILY buy it via Blogspot/Google and then direct the Blogspot to it and voila! You have a fancy web site, not just a blog. It's $10.00 for a year. Maybe cheaper elsewhere.

  4. Oh, I suggest you do any artwork that can involve a monkey smoking . . . that is always great for me
